Current Affairs With A Fantasy Twist

Using current affairs as inspiration for artwork, I decided to focus on the Brexit deal which has been in the news, seemingly endlessly. I envisioned a “fairy dog” to symbolise the UK as it is an exclusively British mythological green dog standing at a crossroads (beware its bark, or all will be lost!). The scene beyond is a stylised version of a sun-bathed Prague.

Altogether it shows my views on all the good we will be missing when we are no longer part of the European Union.

Digital alterations to oil painting sketches enable me to decipher what technical steps are needed to advance the stages of a painting, but without the wastage of paint, especially as I am out of my comfort zone with oils, usually preferring acrylics.

The illustrative style influenced by fine artist Troels Kirk, in particular, The coast at Edenryd, southern Sweden, on a clear day in the early autumn. This is particularly poignant as I have been making linen canvases, and it is useful to anticipate how acrylic paint may take to linen as opposed to cotton:

The coast at Edenryd, southern Sweden, on a clear day in the early autumn